Tuesday 21 July 2009

Extreme Measures

The news today that 100 under 18s are convicted of rape in Scotland per year just reinforces the theory that there is no deterrent to those who break the law. Kids nowadays know that no-one can touch them or reprimand them for their wrongdoings. This is something that has filtered through society over a number of years under the misguided hand of those who believe that those people who behave badly have rights.

I'm sorry but they don't. Those who commit, and are convicted, of a crime lose their right to be a member of a civilised society for the length of their sentence. And while on the subject of sentence - imprisoned criminals should be locked in a 12-15ft square cell for 23 hours a day. Meals should be brought to them and they should be let out for one hour a day for compulsory exercise. If they want to better themselves and undergo a programme of education, that's fine, but they can do that in their cell from books.

This would increase the potency of a jail term as a deterrent, but there is a further solution to the lack of respect for the law, and other people, exhibited by some criminals. Quite simply those who are convicted (without any shred of doubt - ie DNA evidence) of crimes such as murder and rape should be fed to the lions. Quite literally.

Not only that, but all schoolchildren who reach the age of 16 (or maybe 14) would, without exception, be made to attend a stadium where this occurred. Obviously no cameras (even media) would be allowed, as the prisoners family needn't suffer the horror of seeing thier loved one torn apart. The realisation of what would happen if serious crimes were committed would soon stop those tempted to commit them. Yes some would be upset at the sight before them, but it would lead to a more civilised and safer society.

The time has passed for the failed methods of caring and counselling prisoners. Punishment is what is needed, and sooner rather than later.

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